In an increasingly complex healthcare environment with growing clinical needs, you need an ultrasound solution that can be used wherever you need it. Meet the VINNO 5. Weighing just 3.5 kg, this ultra-lightweight, portable system travels with you anywhere, providing simplified workflow and clinical solutions anywhere.
A responsive touchscreen, simplified workflows and customizable, user-defined port options maximize workflow efficiency.
Sensitive touchscreen enables easier operation even when wearing gloves
VINNO 5's superior image quality, simplified workflows and lightweight design provide greater diagnostic confidence in a wide range of clinical settings - including emergency medicine, anesthesiology, pain management, intensive care and musculoskeletal research. A full range of broadband probes suits a variety of applications and requirements.
With advanced cardiac function analysis software such as MAM, Auto EF, TDI with ECG, VINNO 5 supports the diagnosis of heart disease in sick patients at a rapid pace.
Vinno 5 obsługuje różnorodne sondy liniowe o szerokim zakresie częstotliwości, które dostarczają doskonałej jakości obrazu od tkanek powierzchownych po głębokie. Wzmocnienie igły czyni VINNO 5 idealnym systemem do blokad nerwowych i terapii bólu.
Bardzo czuły Doppler mocy i funkcja prowadzenia biopsji zapewniają dokładność operacji interwencyjnych w medycynie sportowej, ortopedii i reumatologii.